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February 15, 2010


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Ian McGonnigal

Hi Mike,

Interesting thinking. To further complicate the debate, perhaps experiential agencies should be the lead... Why? because it is the only place where an audience can truly engage with a brand and see eye-to-eye. Sure digital and social media are effective at facilitating conversations, but face-to-face experience is truly what builds relationships based on trust.

Actually I think the real answer lies somewhere between experiential and digital... where true audience engagement happens. Traditional agencies which employ a one-way, broadcast approach are slowly dying.

Mike Proulx

You've demonstrated just how fragmented it can get, Ian and, yet, another dimension to the specialized agency model (put PR in there too). Ultimately, big brands (unless they want an administrative/management headache) must appoint a Lead Agency who will then coordinate with/pull in any specialized agencies/vendors to fill any gaps in its ability/scope to execute on the given brand's business and marketing objectives.

Really appreciate your comment!

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