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July 13, 2009


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Try Zico!

Mike Proulx

Hi Luke, I've tried both Zico and "One". Zico uses passion fruit "flavor" whereas Vita Coco uses real puree (and it makes a huge difference in taste and seems a lot more natural). I had "One" at a BBQ over the weekend and it's got added cane sugar in it which makes it too sweet (and not as healthy).

Sorry bro, I'm a Vita Coco loyalist (plus they have an authentic start-up story).

BTW, say hello to Terry over at Street Attack for me ;-)


I'd prefer Vita Coco over Zico and One any day!

Kristy Aquillak

I like vita coco better too.. i started with other brands and switched over to try to get a healthier drink, and it turns out i liked the flavor alot better anyways.

Robert Bowmer

My personal favourite is ZICO.

nice site


I think ZICO is the best :-)

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